FAQ's of Kybella

What is Kybella?
Kybella is an innovative, non-surgical treatment that decreases the double chin area, by permanently destroying fat cells that accumulate in the neck.

How long does an appointment for Kybella?
A treatment for Kybella is quick and generally takes no more than 15 to 30 minutes.

How is Kybella administered?
Kybella is administered through fine needles. Depending on the size of the area, up to 40 small injections may be required.

Does Kybella hurt?
Kybella is known to cause some discomfort. A burning sensation along with pressure is typically felt when being injected with Kybella. Ice is applied to the area to aid swelling and discomfort.

When will I begin to see results from Kybella?
The results of Kybella are not immediate. After Kybella has been administered, the body then eliminates the fat slowly over a few weeks. Once these cells are destroyed, they can no longer store or accumulate
fat. Kybella will cause the fat cells to diminish over the course of the next month following your treatment. You may see results over one treatment; However multiple treatments are usually needed.

How long does Kybella last?
Kybella is considered permanent. Once the fat cells are destroyed, they can no longer store or accumulate fat.

Is there any downtime required after Kybella?
There is technically no downtime required after Kybella, and you do not need to schedule any time off of work; However, you will be fairly swollen and sore. Most patients prefer to schedule their treatment over the weekend.

Are there any side effects or possible risks to Kybella?
Like any medical treatment, Kybella does have possible risks. During your consult, your provider will determine if you are candidate for Kybella. The main side effects associated with Kybella are temporary swelling, burning, and bruising. Should you experience any troubling side effects, please contact your provider as soon as possible.

Who is NOT a candidate for Kybella?
During your consultation an assessment will be made to ensure that you are a candidate Kybella. Kybella may not be safe for those with certain health problems. Those who are pregnant, breastfeeding or are planning to become pregnant are not a candidate for Kybella.